It's Time
For Real Change
If money were the solution we would have solved it by now.

The Problem
The homeless Industrial Complex has spent billions of dollars trying to solve a problem they do not understand. They have enabled the homeless to the point of dependency. This industry is now larger than it has ever been yet the homeless population continues to grow.
Most money in homeless services goes toward the housing first model. The idea is that by immediately giving a homeless person a roof over their head, meeting their basic needs, they are more likely to change. But this costly approach doesn't work. Since they are not required to change the behaviors that led them to and kept them on the streets, the success rate of the housing first model is low.
The Hard Truth
of street homeless are addicted to fentanyl
of homeless have never been approached by an outreach worker
of homeless in progressive cities come from other states
Kevin Dahlgren
I have worked in social services for over two decades at nonprofits, for-profits and faith based programs, and in city, county, and state government. I have a strong understanding of how these systems work and don't work.
As a drug and alcohol counselor working directly with individuals on the street, I witness the cycle of addiction, poor mental health and homelessness, and it's effect on communities every day. It's time for real change.
Let's work together to end this humanitarian crisis.